Serial Service

Summary: The serial service allows serial port connections to be opened and data read and written.

The service listens on a shared WebSocket connection.


To send or receive data from a serial port, it must be opened. Each port on the system is identified by a path.


To list the available serial ports on the system:

  topic: "serial/command/list",
  payload: {}

serial/event/list will be emitted containing a list of ports. The path attribute is the only on that will definitely be returned and it is used to identify a port.


  "topic": "serial/event/list",
  "payload": [
      "path": "/dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port"
      "locationId": "14100000",
      "vendorId": "1a86",
      "productId": "7523",
      "path": "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410"

See node-serialport list API docs for more info about what can be returned. Note comName is aliased to path.

Open a port

  topic: "serial/command/open",
  payload: { path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410", baudRate: 115200 }

baudRate is optional.

serial/event/open will be emitted containing the opened path and the baudRate the port is using.

If there was an error, the error message is returned.

Example of success:

  topic: "serial/event/open",
  payload: { path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410", baudRate: 115200 }

Example of error:

  topic: "serial/event/open",
  payload: { error: "Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/tty.wchusbserial141" }

To change the baudRate you must close the port and reopen it with a new one.

Close a port

  topic: "serial/command/close",
  payload: { path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410" }

serial/event/close will be emitted containing the closed port. If an error occurred the payload will contain the message in an "error" property.


  topic: "serial/command/close",
  payload: { path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410" }

Send data

After opening a port, you can send data to it:

  topic: "serial/command/send",
  payload: {
    path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410",
    data: "ROBOT, I COMMAND THEE\n\r",
    encoding: "utf-8",

encoding is optional but any of node's encodings can be specified.

The serial/event/send event will be emitted containing the sent data or an error.

Receive data

Any data received on an open port will be emitted via the serial/event/receive topic.

  topic: "serial/event/receive",
  payload: {
    path: "/dev/tty.wchusbserial1410",
    data: "Sensor:10",


  1. Open a page that has access to the WebSocket client e.g. http://raspberrypi.local/radio

  2. Open the Web Inspector

  3. Log any serial WebSocket events to the console

ws.subscribe(new RegExp('serial/event/.*'), console.log);
  1. List available ports (make sure your device is plugged in)
ws.publish({ topic: 'serial/command/list' });

You should see a response in a list event containing some info ahout available ports

{ path: "/dev/ttyAMA0" }
{ manufacturer: "1a86", pnpId: "usb-1a86_USB2.0-Serial-if00-port0", vendorId: "1a86", productId: "7523", path: "/dev/ttyUSB0" }
  1. Open the serial port:
  topic: 'serial/command/open',
  payload: { path: '/dev/ttyUSB0', baudRate: 115200 }

An event is returned with the port that was opened or an error:

{ path: "/dev/ttyUSB0", baudRate: 115200 }
  1. Receive data

Events will be raised with the info recieved:

{ path: "/dev/ttyUSB0", data: "↵Cache-Control: no-cache↵Str" }
  1. Send data
  topic: 'serial/command/send',
  payload: { path: '/dev/ttyUSB0', data: 'HELO' }

The send event indicates that it has been sent:

{ path: "/dev/ttyUSB0", data: "HELO" }
  1. Close the port

When done, you should close the port.

  topic: 'serial/command/close',
  payload: { path: '/dev/ttyUSB0' }

The close event will be emitted:

{ path: "/dev/ttyUSB0" }

This event is also emitted if the port is closed for any other reason.


Requires node.js LTS.

The service can be installed on any system supported by node-serialport.

npm install --production


npm start


To log out debugging information, set the DEBUG environment variable i.e.

DEBUG=* npm start

debug is used for debugging.